Keurig Quality: If it doesn't have the Keurig logo, it's not Keurig quality. In order for your Keurig brewer to give you the best beverage possible, be sure to use only Keurig K-Cup packs
Product Details: This is a Dark Roast Coffee that is 100% Rainforest Alliance Certified and Kosher(U)
Compatible with 2.0 Keurig Coffee Makers
Count Size: Contains two cartons, each with 24 K-Cup packs, totaling 48 K-Cup packs
Keurig Quality: If it doesn't have the Keurig logo, it's not Keurig quality. In order for your Keurig brewer to give you the best beverage possible, be sure to use only Keurig K-Cup packs
Product Details: This is a Dark Roast Coffee that is 100% Rainforest Alliance Certified and Kosher(U)
Compatible with 2.0 Keurig Coffee Makers
Count Size: Contains two cartons, each with 24 K-Cup packs, totaling 48 K-Cup packs